As we age, our skin loses elasticity, facial volume decreases and repetitive muscle movement, such as frowning, causes wrinkles which, over time, become deep, ingrained lines.  Environmental factors such as UVA exposure and pollution also have a huge impact on our skin, further speeding up the ageing process. 

Our anti-ageing treatments, are a quick and affordable way to brighten and smooth the complexion, without resorting to surgery.

Alternatively, dermal fillers provide an effective rejuvenation treatment by replacing facial volume and sculpting the features.

Browse below for more information about treatments for wrinkles & fine lines and dermal fillers – or click on our price-list to view pricing information.


Our treatments for wrinkles and fine lines provide a safe, natural solution to your ageing concerns. Smoothing of these lines and wrinkles, helps to soften facial expression lines, frown lines and crow’s feet – in both men and women.

Your appearance will appear rejuvenated and refreshed, without surgery, scars or the need for recovery time.

This treatment involves the injecting of a prescribed medication, botulinum toxin, more commonly know as Botox™

This simple and effective procedure can take as little as 15 minutes. Before your treatment a thorough medical consultation and full assessment of your facial muscles will be undertaken.


Botulinum toxin is FDA-approved for use throughout the UK and across the world. It has been used in cosmetic medicine for many years. When used by a qualified professional, the chances of side effects are minimal.

Side effects are rare but may include headaches, slight bruising, and nausea. These effects usually settle over a couple of days.

If you do experience unwanted side effects you should contact us right away for advice.


The needles used in the treatment are very fine. Even if you feel the injection, it should not cause you any pain or discomfort. Most people find this procedure painless and experience minimal, if any, side effects.

After treatment, you can carry on with your normal daily activities, however we do recommend that you avoid any strenuous exercise, sun exposure and facials for the first week after your treatment.

These are injectable treatments that contains a patented formula of amino acids and hyaluronic acid, essential to skin laxity. It regenerates the skin from the inside-out by prompting the production of fibroblasts, which then instigates collagen and elastin production, for improved skin quality. 

It is an extremely versatile product and can be used on the; face, neck, décolletage, hands, arms, inner thighs, knees and the under-eye area. Sunekos can treat various indications, including; loss of tone, skin ageing and premature skin ageing, skin dryness, solar elastosis, acne scarring, sun damage, dark circles under the eyes and fine lines and wrinkles.

Having botulinum toxin does not cause any long-term effects. If you decide to not have the treatment again, your lines and wrinkles will reappear as before.

Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not have any injectable treatment. Botulinum toxin should not be used in the presence of infection at the injection site. You should also not have treatment if you have a sensitivity to any ingredient in the formula. Patients with neuromuscular disorders have an increased risk of serious side effects.

Video Demonstration & frequent questions

15-30 Minutes

Usually none

Not needed

Not needed

Results may be noticeable within days but it often takes 2 weeks for the best results to be seen. We always make a review appointment 2 to 3 weeks after the treatment, to assess the results. An adjustment may be needed in some instances.

FROWN LINES – to reduce the wrinkles between your eyebrows

FOREHEAD LINES – to smooth your forehead. This can also help with migraines and headaches

CROW’S FEET – to improve the laughter lines around the eyes

BUNNY LINES – to reduce the lines at the tip of your nose

SMOKER’S LINES – to soften the wrinkles around the lips

JAWLINE – to contour and improve your lower face

CHIN DIMPLING – to reduce the appearance of a ‘cobblestone chin’

EYEBROW LIFT – to open your eyes, without you looking startled

NECKLINES – to combat an area of high concern for many people

NEFERTITI NECK LIFT – for a youthful and tighter neck

HYPERHIDROSIS – to diminish excessive sweating

Dermal Fillers

Dermal filler treatments are a quick, easy and safe procedure for restoring facial volume and reducing wrinkles. We only use the best brands of filler that we know will produce excellent results for our clients.

Dermal fillers are based on hyaluronic acid – a naturally-occurring, gel-like substance in the skin.

When we’re young, hyaluronic acid helps to keeps our skin full, hydrated and elastic. As we get older, we gradually lose the hyaluronic acid and start to develop lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers mimic the effects of hyaluronic acid, helping to make your skin look young and vibrant again.

The injections add volume, lifting lines, wrinkles and folds – as well as providing facial sculpting and reshaping to the chin, jaw, nose and lips.


We can use dermal fillers to help soften lines, add volume and restore hydration in most areas of the face. It’s the perfect treatment for anyone looking to tackle the signs of ageing and regain their self-confidence. What’s more, we tailor each treatment to suit your own, individual needs.

These are injectable treatments that contains a patented formula of amino acids and hyaluronic acid, essential to skin laxity. It regenerates the skin from the inside-out by prompting the production of fibroblasts, which then instigates collagen and elastin production, for improved skin quality. 

It is an extremely versatile product and can be used on the; face, neck, décolletage, hands, arms, inner thighs, knees and the under-eye area. Sunekos can treat various indications, including; loss of tone, skin ageing and premature skin ageing, skin dryness, solar elastosis, acne scarring, sun damage, dark circles under the eyes and fine lines and wrinkles.

Having botulinum toxin does not cause any long-term effects. If you decide to not have the treatment again, your lines and wrinkles will reappear as before.

Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not have any injectable treatment. Botulinum toxin should not be used in the presence of infection at the injection site. You should also not have treatment if you have a sensitivity to any ingredient in the formula. Patients with neuromuscular disorders have an increased risk of serious side effects.

Frequent Questions

Up to 30 minutes


Numbing cream (optional)


Varies slightly depending upon area treated, generally very quickly

Immediate improvement, best results within 2 weeks

Between 6 and 18 months

Before the treatment, we start your appointment with a consultation to assess your areas of concern. We look at the symmetry of the face and natural contours. We pick out the areas where natural enhancement is needed.

Our nurse will then prepare the area and carry out the injections. We may use a numbing cream if necessary, but the needle is very fine and most people find it mostly painless. Treatment takes up to about 30 minutes.


We only use products that are licensed and have been researched for many years. The fillers are all biodegradable products, which means that they are very low risk.

They do not have long-term side effects associated with other permanent fillers. Side effects are rare but the general risks can include bruising, tenderness, or swelling. We will explain in detail any possible risks or side effects, before the treatment.


Numbing cream (optional)


Varies slightly depending upon area treated, generally very quickly

Immediate improvement, best results within 2 weeks

Between 6 and 18 months

Numbing cream (optional)


Varies slightly depending upon area treated, generally very quickly

Immediate improvement, best results within 2 weeks

Between 6 and 18 months

Minimal – getting back to normal varies slightly depending upon area treated, generally very quickly

Immediate improvement, best results within 2 weeks

Between 6 and 18 months

Improvements are seen immediately. However, results will continue to improve over 2 weeks as the hyaluronic acid starts to bind moisture and plumps out skin folds. Depending on product choice, the treatment can last 6-18 months.

We only use products that are licensed and have been researched for many years. The fillers are all biodegradable products, which means that they are very low risk.

They do not have long-term side effects associated with other permanent fillers. Side effects are rare but the general risks can include bruising, tenderness, or swelling. We will explain in detail any possible risks or side effects, before the treatment.

NASOLABIAL FOLDS – the lines that go from the nose to the corner of the mouth

MARIONETTE LINES – the lines from the corner of the mouth to the jawline

PERIORAL LINES – fine lines along the lip lines, often referred to as ‘smokers’ lines

FROWN LINES – often treated with wrinkle-relaxing treatments such as Botox, but stubborn frown lines can improve with a soft dermal filler

CHEEKS – replenishing volume loss caused by reduced collagen production

CHIN – redefining or correcting unevenness

JAW LINES – redefining the contours of the jaw area

LIPS – enhancing volume and definition

EYE AREA / TEAR TROUGH – reducing hollows and eye bags

TEMPLES – to restore volume

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