Vitamin D

Interestingly Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin at all. It is a hormone that is necessary for the absorption of calcium into the bloodstream from the intestines. Vitamin D is very important for the body to build and maintain healthy teeth and bones, for maintaining our immune system and for reducing the risk of us developing some serious illnesses. 

As Vitamin D is produced naturally by the body after exposure to sunlight, it has also been nicknamed “The Sunshine Vitamin”.  As you know, living in the UK can leave sunshine in short supply, particularly during the dark Winter months which can leave us with a residual deficiency coming into Spring and Summer. 

The recommended daily intake of Vitamin D is 10-20mcg dependent upon age. This is broken down into 15mcg up to aged 70 and 20mcg over the age of 70. 

We do receive approximately 10% of our Vitamin D from food but that together with limited sunlight often leaves up to 20% of the population deficient in this important hormone.   

Symptoms can include tiredness, poor sleeping pattern, muscle weakness, hair loss, depression and loss of appetite. A deficiency may also place us at an increased risk of developing certain health conditions e.g. osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes.  

The good news is that here at Jayne Taylor Aesthetics we can help. You could be one small injection away from feeling much better.   

Frequent Questions

One injection every 3 months

No recovery time will be necessary you will be back to normal immediately after the treatment. 

Vitamin D taken in tablet form can take weeks, even months, to positively impact your health however, intramuscular Vitamin D injections have a much more immediate impact with some patients feeling the effects almost immediately. In order to maintain your improved feeling of wellbeing, an ongoing course of treatment is recommended. 

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