vitamin d injections in bradford at jayne taylor aesthetics

Vitamin D Injection in Bradford

When is a vitamin not a vitamin? When it’s vitamin D which is actually a hormone! 

The Winter season can leave us with a profound effect on our vitamin D levels and our general feelings of wellness, during Spring and Summer months, but luckily, as usual, Jayne Taylor Aesthetics in Bradford are waiting in the wings to help us to feel better. 

You may be aware that vitamin D is also known as the “Sunshine Vitamin” and this is due to the fact that exposing ourselves to regular sunshine is the only natural way of us making vitamin D. It can be found in some foods too but we can only harvest approximately 10% of our vitamin D levels from food. As we live in the UK, and sunshine is often a rarity (particularly between the months of September and March), at least 20% of the population are left with a vitamin D deficiency.  The problem is growing and the government have provided guidance suggesting every adult in the UK should take regular vitamin D supplements in tablet form, particularly during the Winter months. Jayne Taylor Aesthetics have gone one step further and are able to offer vitamin D supplements in injection form which is far more effective. 

Why do we need vitamin D? 

Vitamin D is vital in the absorption of calcium and phosphorous from the gastrointestinal system. These are in turn responsible for the health of our teeth, bones and muscles. 

Vitamin D is also recognised as a key nutrient in maintaining the health of our heart and supporting a balanced mood.

Vitamin D has also been proven to support our immune system which is responsible for fighting infections, in particular viruses. 

Low levels of vitamin D during the menopause can increase the risk of osteoporosis and broken bones. 

What foods contain vitamin D?

Fatty fish and dairy products are the most common foods containing vitamin D e.g. Tuna, salmon, swordfish, cod liver oil, milk, cheese and egg yolk. A number of products are also fortified with vitamin D e.g. orange juice, cereals and oatmeal.   

How will I know if I am deficient in vitamin D? 

If you suffer from any or all of the following symptoms, you may be deficient in vitamin D and should speak to your GP or medical practitioner:

  • Aching bones
  • Muscle pain and soreness for long periods of time
  • Chronic body pain
  • Frequent illnesses e.g. colds / flu
  • Depression / feeling sad
  • Cuts or bruises that take a long time to heal
  • Constant fatigue

The recommended daily intake of Vitamin D is 10-20mcg dependent upon age. This is broken down into 15mcg up to aged 70 and 20mcg over the age of 70. 

Vitamin D can be sourced in tablet form but most supplements are not effectively absorbed by our bodies through ingestion and as a result is more effective administered via injection. It can take weeks or even months to feel the benefits of a vitamin D supplement in tablet form whereas most patients report a much quicker improvement if taken in injection form. 

The treatment is quick and easy and performed by a person specifically trained to administer medication. An injection, taking only seconds, is given into the upper arm or buttock if preferred and begins to work immediately although it may take a few days to begin to see an improvement in your symptoms. It is usually given every three months and could very easily and safely continue for the rest of your life. 

Benefits of Vitamin D

  • An increased ability to fight infection, in particular the colds and flu virus 
  • An improvement in mental health wellbeing 
  • An increase in heart health
  • The maintenance of healthy teeth, bones and muscles

Feeling and looking better could be just one appointment away. All you need to begin your vitamin D journey is to book a consultation at Jayne Taylor Aesthetics in Bradford and we will do the rest. See you soon!

vitamin d, vitamin d injections, vitamin d injections bradford, vitamin injections, vitamin injections bradford

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